Special Education is all about creating a supportive and customized learning environment for students with disabilities, ensuring they receive educational benefit. The goal is to include students in general education whenever possible, so removal from this setting is only considered when a student's disability is so severe that they cannot thrive with the help of additional supports and resources.
To determine eligibility for special education services, a thorough assessment process is conducted within sixty days of a signed assessment plan. This process helps identify the specific needs of each child. The school district offers a variety of instructional support services tailored to these needs, such as specialized classes, counseling-enhanced classes, academic life skills courses, occupational therapy, and speech and language services. These services are outlined in each child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Importantly, children with disabilities are educated alongside their non-disabled peers as much as possible, fostering an inclusive atmosphere that benefits all students. This approach not only helps students with disabilities to learn and grow but also enriches the educational experience for everyone involved.
Matthew Jensen
Director II, Special Education
Phone: (925) 335-5800
Ann Kim
Program Specialist
Phone: (925) 335-5800
Lisa Martinez
Student Services Technician
Phone: (925) 335-5918
General Information
Phone: (925) 335-5918
Phone: (925) 827-0949
MaryAnn Frates, Executive Director
Soledad Springfield, Program Specialist
Assembly Bill (AB) 2657 (Chapter 998, Statutes of 2018) went into effect on January 1, 2019, adding Sections 49005–49006.4 to California’s Education Code requiring LEAs to collect and report to the CDE all incidents in which a student, with or without an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 plan, is restrained (mechanically or physically) or secluded, as defined in law. This requirement extends to any student placed by the LEA in a Non-Public School (NPS) pursuant to their IEP.
Annual data relating to incidences (if any) of restraint or seclusion in the Martinez Unified School District can be found at this link.
Related services means transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education, and includes speech-language pathology and audiology services, interpreting services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic recreation, early identification and assessment of disabilities in children, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services, and medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes. Related services also include school health services and school nurse services, social work services in schools, and parent counseling and training (Code of Federal Regulations 34 CFR 300.34(a)).