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Emerging Bilinguals / English Learner Resources


As of 2017-18, all California school districts are required to use the English Language Assessment for California (ELPAC) to determine initial English language proficiency and to monitor annual progress in acquiring the English language for returning English learners. The ELPAC replaced California English Language Development Test (CELDT). No other test results can be substituted for the ELPAC and there is no provision in the law allowing students to waive this assessment.

New students are tested with the Initial ELPAC assessment within the first 30 days of enrolling in a California public school. Returning English learners are tested in the annual Summative testing window (February 1 – May 31). School districts mail completed ELPAC tests to the state for official scoring by the end of May. Typically, the state requires 6-8 weeks after the administration of the test to return official scores to the district. Parents receive notification of official ELPAC results within 30 days of the district receiving the official scores from the state.

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

Parents and students are welcome to review the ELPAC Practice Tests.

ELPAC Parent Guide to Understanding ELPAC 

A Guide to Understanding Your Student Score Report English

A Guide to Understanding Your Student Score Report Spanish


The purpose of Martinez Unified’s English Learner (EL) Master Plan is to guide all educational partners toward an aligned set of practices, services, and approaches that support multilingual students. This document also outlines our district’s commitment to build capacity beyond compliance to ensure sustained academic achievement, English language acquisition, multilingualism, and success for all students.

MUSD EL Master Plan (English)

MUSD EL Master Plan (Spanish)

Identification of English Learners

As part of initial school enrollment, all parents enrolling a child in a California public K-12 school for the first time are required by state and federal law to complete a Home Language Survey. If the information provided by parents on the Home Language Survey indicates a language other than English in the home or in the child’s background, the school is required by state and federal law to test the student for English language proficiency. Parents cannot waive the English language assessment, as it is both a federal and state requirement.1

If a student is transferring to MUSD from another California public school, English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) results from the previous district are valid and may eliminate the need for initial English proficiency screening a second time. Parents may provide a copy of the most recent official ELPAC results at the time of enrollment to MUSD.   

California Department of Education EL forms page.