Attendance matters as early as kindergarten. Studies show children who miss too many days in kindergarten and first grade can struggle academically in later years. Student can suffer academically if they miss ten percent of school days. This can be just one day every two weeks and can happen before you know it. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, college, and at work.
Excused absences
Absence from school shall be excused only for health reasons, family emergencies, and justifiable personal reasons, as permitted by law, Board policy, and administrative regulations. (Education Code 48205)
Absences shall be verified by the student's parent/guardian or the student if age 18 or older. The following methods may be used to verify student absences:
Verification should include: name of student, name of parent/guardian, date of absence and reason for absence.
When a student has had 9 excused absences in the school year any further absences will require a doctor's note.
Chronic Absence and Truancy
Chronic absentee means a student who is absent for any reason 10 percent or more of the school days in the school year.
Truant means a student who is absent from school without a valid excuse three full days in one school year, or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof.
Students who are truant or whose attendance is irregular shall be referred to the district School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for appropriate action.
Bringing Attendance Home:
Engaging Parents in Preventing Chronic Absence
2021-22 Absenteeism by Reason (disaggregated by school)
2021-22 Chronic Absenteeism Rate (by school)