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Safe Haven Resources

The Martinez Unified School District is committed to the success of all students irrespective of their immigration status, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability, sex and gender identity, socio-economic status or beliefs.

Every child has the right to a free public education. Our schools take the following safety measures to protect students:

1) Protecting Students Rights and Information: Schools must maintain the confidentiality of student records and personal information. Any request to release such information must comply with applicable laws and typically requires parental or guardian consent, a court order, or a subpoena.

2) Responding to Immigration Enforcement Requests: In the highly unlikely case that an immigration agent seeks access to school grounds, they must provide proper identification, a warrant, or a court order. Staff are not authorized to permit access without prior approval from the Superintendent or their designee. If approached by immigration agents, immediately contact your site administrator, who will follow the procedures outlined in Board Policy 5145.13. ​​

Martinez Unified School District remains unequivocally committed to ensuring a safe educational environment for all students and seving as a safe haven school district for students and families threatened by immigration enforcement or discrimination.



Resources for Families/Recursos para familias

MUSD’s March 1, 2025: Know Your Rights Webinar/ Taller Conozca sus derechos 1 de marzo 2025

Click on the links below to access these resources/ Haz clic en los enlaces a continuación para acceder a estos recursos

Community Supports: