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Social Media Policy


Social Media Page Privacy and Disclaimer


The purpose of the Martinez Unified School District Facebook, Twitter and Google Group pages (hereinafter referred to as "Social Media pages") is to further the District's vision and mission, support student learning and staff professional development, and enhance communication with students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members.


Martinez Unified School District Social Media Pages are produced and maintained by the Martinez Unified School District staff. Links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.

Martinez Unified School District:

  • Does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of information contained on a linked website.
  • Does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, nor does the District endorse or recommend the products/services they offer.  Views and comments expressed on the site are those of the users and do not necessarily reflect the views of the District.
  • Cannot and does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked website.
  • Cannot be responsible for damage caused by "worms" or "viruses" spread through the Social Media pages including loss of data, identity theft or damage to computer systems.  Users are responsible for maintaining appropriate virus protection and following safe computing practices.

The Martinez Unified School District Social Media Pages are regularly monitored, and any inappropriate post will be promptly removed.  Inappropriate posts include those that:

  • Are obscene, libelous, or so incite students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on school premises, violation of school rules, or substantial disruption of the school's orderly operation
  • Are not related to the stated purpose of the site, including, but not limited to, comments of a commercial nature, political activity, and comments that constitute discrimination or harassment

We expect that participants will treat each other with respect. Posted comments that contain vulgar or abusive language; pornography; personal attacks of any kind; offensive terms that target specific ethnic or racial groups or incite violence violate board policies BP5131 and/or BP6163 and may result in disciplinary action even if these offenses did not occur on school grounds or during school hours. We will delete offensive comments including those that are spam, are clearly “off topic” or that promote services or products. Comments that make unsupported accusations will be taken out of the discussion.

  • The use of vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language is prohibited.
  • The discussion forum is not open to comments promoting or opposing any person campaigning for election to a political office or promoting or opposing any ballot proposition.
  • The Martinez Unified School District Facebook Pages are not open to the promotion or advertisement of a business or commercial transaction.

Users are hereby notified that they are fully responsible for the content they load to the Martinez Unified School District Social Media Pages.  The District is not responsible for the content of external online platforms.  The user is responsible for all copyright and intellectual property laws associated with this content.

Privacy and Security

Click here for information on using the privacy and security settings of Facebook.


For school or classroom Social Media Pages, contact the school principal concerning any violation of this Facebook use policy.