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Measure O General Obligation Bond

Measure O FAQs

The MUSD Board of Education approved Resolution 2024-34 on July 26, 2024.  The resolution calls for an election to issue a $90.0 million general obligation bond for the Martinez Unified School District.  The following statement will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot:


To modernize/construct classrooms and school facilities; make health and safety improvements; construct career/technical education classrooms; renovate facilities at Martinez adult education, junior and senior high schools; shall the Martinez Unified School District measure authorizing $90,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $38.40 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $5,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens’ oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

MJHS campus aerial view


What is Measure O?
Measure O is a $90.0 million general obligation (G.O.) bond program to fund construction and renovation projects throughout the District. The measure is intended to address the health and safety needs of students, as well as improving the learning experiences of the student population through construction projects at our District’s schools.

What is a General Obligation (G.O.) bond?
G.O. bonds fund projects such as the renovation of classrooms and school facilities, as well as construction of new schools and classrooms. Similar to a home loan, G.O. bonds are typically repaid over 30 years. The loan repayment comes from a tax on all taxable property - residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial - located within the District’s boundaries.

Why did the District place Measure O on the ballot?
Investing in our schools is investing in our students. Measure O will allow us to meet today’s educational standards as well as better serve our entire community. Over the past eight years and with the support of our community, the District has been able to improve several of our schools, in particular the elementary schools with three new buildings, bringing those facilities up to modern standards. However, there are still school sites that need attention, including Martinez Junior and Alhambra Senior High Schools, as well as facilities at the adult education program. While these facilities have been well maintained and some improved with District funds, there are still much-needed projects to be completed. Classrooms and facilities must be upgraded since many do not meet 21st century safety, education, and technology standards. Additionally, if Measure O is approved, the State will provide the District with matching funds to further supplement our construction program.

How did the District come up with the Measure O project list?
With input from staff, teachers, parents, community leaders, and an architect, the District prepared a Master Facilities Plan, most recently updated in 2020. While many of the projects were completed with the prior Measure R bond, not all the needs could be addressed. This new measure would allow Martinez Unified School District to complete its Master Plan with upgrades and modernization projects including:

  • Modernizing/renovating outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities, in particular at Martinez Junior and Alhambra High Schools
  • Renovating classrooms and facilities for the Martinez Adult Education program
  • Replacing/updating outdated security systems including fencing, alarms, and surveillance systems
  • Replacing old roofing, electrical, and HVAC systems
  • Replacing portable classrooms with permanent classroom facilities

What will the passage of Measure O mean for our students and the community?
This measure will create a safe and updated learning environment for students by repairing and upgrading existing classrooms and school facilities, such as the libraries, theaters, and playing fields. Many of our spaces are also available to and used by the community, who will benefit from improved facilities. Additionally, with improvements to the adult education facilities, we will provide the means for students to immediately impact the workforce and contribute to the community by filling high-need careers and securing well-paying jobs. Further, relocating the adult education facilities will allow the District to explore opportunities to lease the current MAE site which can generate additional unrestricted revenue for school programs.

What will happen if Measure O does not pass?
If Measure O does not pass, our classrooms and school facilities will continue to deteriorate. In addition, funds that would otherwise go to classroom instruction will be needed to make critical safety repairs and improvements at each school. Major repairs will need to be postponed and as a result will potentially be more expensive to make. Further, if Measure O does not pass, the District does not receive additional State matching funds to improve our schools.

What will Measure O cost?
The tax rate per property owner is estimated to be $38.40 per $100,000 of assessed valuation per year (Assessed valuation is different than market value. Assessed valuations are the value placed on property by the County and are often lower than market values). Check your property tax statement for your current assessed valuation.

How can I be sure that Measure O funds will be spent on improving our local schools?
By law, all bond funds must be spent locally and cannot be taken by the state. Also, by law, there must be annual audits of expenditures and no bond money can be used for teacher or administrative salaries. In addition, a local independent citizens’ oversight committee will be established to ensure that bond funds are properly spent, and funds will be audited annually.