Term Expires 2026
Trustee Area 3
Anne Horack Martin
Vice President
Term Expires 2028
Trustee Area 2
Courtney Masella-O'Brien
Term Expires 2028
Trustee Area 4
Logan Campbell
Term Expires 2028
Trustee Area 1
Elizabeth McCauley
Student Representative
If you would like Spanish interpretation services at an MUSD district board of education meeting, please complete this form.
Si desea servicios de interpretación en español en una reunión de la junta de educación del distrito de MUSD, complete este formulario.
Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of the month with the exception of July when the Board does not meet and December when the Board meets once.
2024-2025 School Board Meeting Dates - Meetings start at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted on posted agenda
Starting with the 2018 election, the District moved from an “at-large” election system to a “by-trustee area” election system to elect members of the Board of Trustees. Voters now elect District trustees based on the specific area in which the voter lives. When the District made this switch it adopted a boundary map for these trustee areas that was based on the census data available at that time.
The United States Census Bureau recently released data from the 2020 Census. The release of this data triggered the need to examine, and potentially re-draw, the District’s trustee areas based on population changes. In concert with its demographer, the Board is now working to make adjustments to the current trustee area boundaries to maintain the required population balance.
2026 Election
2024 Election